How to subscribe:

On our home page, you may go at the absolute bottom of the page and on the bottom left side, you'll see the newsletter subscribe section as shown below:

Enter your email and click "Subscribe". Once you do, a pop-up window will double-confirm with you if you want to subscribe to our content. Click the "Yes, I wish to receive promotional email ..." check mark and click the "Submit" button.

How to unsubscribe:

Please note that upon doing the following steps, to allow our system 24H to process the request.

1st Method

1. Login to your account, go under Your account → Email Preferences

2. Uncheck mark all icons besides "Do not send me any marketing communications...", this one keep check marked, and click "SAVE".

2nd Method:

From the promotional email you wish to unsubscribe from, scroll to the absolute bottom of it and there will be an "Unsubscribe" option, as shown below:

Click the "Unsubscribe" and you'll be brought to a new page. In this page, you can select to which content you want to be subscribed to. If you want to be unsubscribed from all promotions, click "Unsubcribe me from all of my current email lists" and click "Update", as shown below:

If you want to never receive anymore emails, there's another option after this one, which is "Never email me again". If you click this option and click "Update", this will permanently remove you from our subscriptions. This means you cannot re-subscribe in the future with this email if you save this "Never email me again" option.

3rd Method: 

You may contact our customer service and ask to be fully unsubscribed from our emails, sending it at [email protected]. Please provide the proper email you're receiving the promotional content to. Our customer service team will confirm with the marketing department your full removal from the list and confirm this back to you. Please allow 24H from confirmation.