What is the Environmental Handling Fee (EHF)? 

The Environmental Handling Fee (EHF) is an environmental fee or levy that is to be added to the purchase of all televisions, computers, computer equipment and other applicable electronic devices in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Ontario, PEI, Manitoba, Québec and Newfoundland and Labrador. The fee will be used to cover the cost of collection, transportation, storage, processing and disposal of electronic waste.

Does the Environmental Handling Fee (EHF) apply to online purchases? 

The Environmental Handling Fee also applies to all online purchases that are shipped to Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Ontario, PEI, Manitoba, Québec and Newfoundland and Labrador.

What if my shipping address is different to my billing address? 

For example, if a parent in Ontario goes to an online store and orders a laptop for their child who is attending University in Alberta and they have the order shipped to Alberta then the purchase will be subject for the Environmental Handling Fee for Alberta, not Ontario.

Why am I paying this environmental levy/environmental handling fee (EHF)? 

This environmental levy/EHF supports various electronic diversion programs in participating provinces in Canada. This levy/EHF applies to all new purchases of designated electronic items. The fees support the various programs to recover and reclaim old electronic items that are currently entering the waste stream. These programs essentially help pay for the safe disposal of old electronic products.

Is this a tax? 

No, it is an Environmental Levy or Environmental Handling Fee. The fees collected go directly into the various programs that handle electronic waste and processing.

Who gets the money? 
We and all other Retailers are required to remit fees related to designated products to the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA), Ontario Electronics Stewardship (OES) and the Electronic Products Recycling Association for British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador directly.

How much EHF will I pay for my electronics? 

This is based on the province you're shipping your order to. To see how much per item, you can click here and view all the details per province.